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Be Intentional - Just Do It

Updated: Mar 31, 2022

God gave me the word "intentional" for 2022. In other words, just do it. "Get 'er done" as Larry, the Cable Guy, would say. Writing isn't going to happen unless I sit down and do it.

He specifically gave me the word for a manuscript I needed to complete for an

editor friend. My friend is going to take a quick peek (for a minimal fee) to see if it has merit for a future book. Unfortunately, I wasn't making any progress on the manuscript.

The Lord's right, you know. Be intentional. I'm happy to announce the book is now in the editor's hands. I'll hear back from him towards the end of March.

How about you? What are you putting off? Be intentional whether it's writing a book or washing a sink full of dishes or calling a friend you've been thinking about for several days.

"It ain't never ever gonna get done until you do something about it," thus saith the Lord. Okay, that's a paraphrased version of what He actually said. His version sounded much more spiritual. But you get the point. Just do it. Get 'er done.

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