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I'm a Big Ol' Scaredy Cat


Updated: Apr 19, 2022

I admit I'm a big ol' scaredy cat. I'm terrified of heights, tightly enclosed places, things that go bump in the night, speaking in front of people, and promoting myself. Seriously, that last one scares me as much as being on the roof of my house on the Fourth of July. (Funny story...I promise to share it one of these days.)

Until recently, I've fought hard against the "promoting myself" thing. Okay, not true. I still fight it but realize it's one of those "necessary evils." As stated in my last post, I need to grow my audience as a way to get the attention of publishers.

I believe I have a call from God to write. I quit one full-time job so I can write full-time. I know His Spirit directed me in that decision. However, writing is only one aspect of being an author. He knew on the business end I'd also have to promote myself as part of the package deal.

I've come to realize the Lord didn't call me to this endeavor to set me up to fail. He will complete what He started.

"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the days of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6 (NKJV)

His Spirit enables me to fulfill His purposes and calling in my life. And that includes the challenge of promoting myself. I'll never be 100% comfortable doing it but His grace will be sufficient. I choose to trust Him over the fear I have of bringing attention to myself. As I continue to lift Him high, He will be glorified in all I write.

Can you relate to what I've shared? If so, I pray this has been an encouragement to you. Also, please feel free to share how you've overcome your hesitation to promote yourself and grow your audience. What has worked for you?

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